This bike came to me long ago for a hardtail oil bag ,and the basic chopper gig...then he came to me with an old HD springer to get installed....Then the man behind the bike, Santa Ana s LEO wanted the thing cleaned up and a few things changed such as a disc conversion ,I did this using a sotail master and a 2000 sporty caliper.I built him some super curly rabbit ears,mounted his bates light,reshaped his early triumph fender and hung it under a 19" sissy bar I built holding his tailight and lic. plate. After all was fabbed i pulled it down to a bare frame and blasted the frame, etch primed it, and shot it with laquer(piano black) and heavy laquer clear. Same treatment went into the oil bag and fender. I then put the bike back together for Leo to bring home( sounds easy doesnt it....it aint) and i forgot a bunch of fab stuff i did such as pipes ,regulator mount,master cyl mount,right side control etc...Im probly forgetting some shit I did, but fuck it He is riding it and it all worked out, Slim 951 217 8814 Thanks again for the work LEO!!
looks great man. really nice job as always!