Thiese are some shots in Long beach ,Ca in front of Blue Collar Moto garage.(Chris s joint) I drove out to bug him in this particular instance..As this van was my daily whip. In the last shot you can see my initial drive train... the big block mopar and hallcraft V drive set up. In the new van i am running that combo..Lots more low end grunt!!! This week I will be posting a few more bike builds and some streetsweeper two pics....TODAY IS TURN IN YOUR GUN FOR FOOD COUPON DAY IN L.A. dont fuckin do it!!!One of the best things this country has going for it is the right to bear arms, if our US soil is ever penetrated by another enemy country..Damn near every household here in AMRERICA is a small armory, They will be fucking demolished!And they know it. Guns dont kill innocent people, Idiots do! SLIM 951 217 8814
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Slimsfab girder front end
This is a scratch built girder front end made here at the Farm.It is built for a smaller honda motorcycle. Here at Slims fab we fabricate on all motorcycles,cars,trucks and your special project SLIM 951 217 8814
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Slimsfab Shaved fork legs
These are a pair of fork legs that were shaved down leaving the brake tabs for obvious reasons.These were done for Tony out in Bellflower,Ca The legs after leaving the lathe are still not completed..They receive a smoothing from the uncut brake tab area to the shaved portion of the legs to ease the job of the polisher or powdercoater. This is my Southbend lathe,SLIM 951 217 8814 old as hell but runs between 15 to 20 hours a week depending on what is going on here at the Farm.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Slimsfab sporty for Tucker
You might have seen the "ROGUE STILLETTO" around. It is owned by Tucker.He is the prez of the Never Ready crew.This is his sporty after his repaint.When you are a painter you can do shit like that.We are fabricators here at the Farm, the fab on this bike was done here at Slims fab farm. I think I will go back to choppin now,SLIM 951 217 8814
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
This is Buddy at Transitions skate shop located in Carson,CA. I stopped in to do some parts exchanging etc.His shop is operated by Buddy and his family,He has a wide selection of baddass skate stuff and he has nice harley bits on display to be seen by the local skate population..The bike in the backround is one of his daily scoots and wears a slimfab tank from a long time ago he got from me at the Long Beach Swap.In the following photo there is a huge American flag on the front of a refinery down the street! I like that!! Buddy is a example of American owned and operated small business,This is what our country needs for a comeback!! Thanks Buddy SLIM 951 217 8814
Monday, December 17, 2012
Slimsfab Hardtailed sporty for Javier
This is Javiers 1979 sporty,He brought it to the farm fairly stock.His bike received a Hardtail with 2 inches of stretch,horseshoe styled oil bag,fender,sissy bar,cobra seat pan,and shaved fork legs.The pipes were re mounted as they work great in this application! Thank you for stopping in Javier, SLIM 951 217 8814
Friday, December 14, 2012
slims fab king sporty with a dyna tunnel
This is a King sporty tank that was modified here at the farm for Dyna use,This is a great way to give your dyna a little trim..the king tank remains a little wider to maintain a look thats not so goofy.Some tanks look rerally small on Dyna s because they are so narrow. SLIM 951 217 8814
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Slimsfab shovel for " Blotto Mike "
Back in the day Mike D stopped by with friends Duane and Lisa Ballard to Get some fab done on Mikes Shovel,At that point in my Fab skills were fresh to harleys(i hadnt worked on very many) still mike was cool with it.He got the frame from negotiable Tim and slowly pieced it together.I remember getting to fix his oil bag,fabbing the sissy,Fender,switchbox,and a no tunnel frisco.For years now "Blotto Mike" has made a name for himself in the rare parts business.I am honored to know you Mike,and I constantly get requests to see your old shove.There it is .SLIM 951 217 8814

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Slimsfab "THE HAYMAKER" before and after
These are some before and after shots of my bike"The Haymaker". Took it to David Mann chopper fest and was lucky enough to snag a number two in the metric class....and yes some asshole did tell me to shut it off even though every other V Twin powered machine was riden in.Thank you for that fucker.It makes me a proud two stroke guy! I want to say congrats to T bone of Noise,and Mike of spitfire for building cool shit for metric class.Got to kick it with lots of good people.. my family,J.D. ,Mr. Rob Hernandez,Duane ,Lisa Ballard,beer breed,Keith,Tiffany,Brent from goleta,Beaver..good to see all of you ! SLIM 951 217 8814
slimsfab mods for Rick
This is Ricks bike he stopped in for a tank ,fender,sissy,and seat pan all the way up.This bike is powered by a twin cam H.D. It is a long distance rider on a regular basis. On this bike he wanted the tank low slung.and narrowed one inch.As you can see I replaced the floor,it is well as the tunnel for sturdiness.The sissy is bent from 5/8 inch cold finish steel.He was after a more classic look,There will be a few more changes but it is well on its way.Thanks for stopping in Rick.....SLIM 951 217 8814
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
slims fab sporty for Rob
Rob stopped into the farm for some fab.He asked for a 2 inch stretch hardtail,one of our horseshoe oil bags,simple battery tray,fender,struts,bars and some pipe mods so they would clear the hardtail.He paints alot of flake jobs that look great,the last sporty he brought in is his personal bike.He rides it daily. Thank you Rob, Slim 951 217 8814
Friday, December 7, 2012
slimsfab "NANOOK" drag bike
This is a machine I built some time ago.I named it Nanook after one of my favorite childhood drag cars aa/fa (double A fuel altered).These cars were unpredictable,wild as shit,and largely overpowered,Just my style! This bike is powered by a yamaha dt 400 two stroke,the fuel tank holds @1 1/2 quarts of fuel and is located under the seat.It is mag fired and has a healthy mikuni carb. The ride is wild and once it gets around 100 mph it is unpredictable.This bike hardly leaves my street anymore,If it gets dragged, its on my street! Thats why i am sharing these shots(for those who are not familliar with my old builds).This bike was featured in the Horse backstreet choppers mag as well as Renegade mag years ago.Slim 951 217 8814 One thing is for sure....OUR FREEDOM TO CREATE! I DONT THINK OUR COUNTRY IS OUTLAWING THAT SHIT YET!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
slimsfab skinny mustang tank
This is a thinned out mustang style tank, Low mounted cap and flush petcock outlet.Simple no bull just a clean place to store fuel on your two wheel pleasure machine.SLIM 951 217 8814
Slimsfab streetsweeper one
These are some pics of The "Streetsweeper One" Well before I sold it. In these pics it was still powered by a 194 c.i. chevy with a saginaw trans....I put at least 40,000 miles of daily use on the old six before it took a shit and I decided to build my childhood dream...A WHEEL STANDER. I will be posting pics of the build and along the way every couple of posts so you can see how it was done by ME. a long time ago.Slim 951 217 8814
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Slimsfab shovelhead roller for Rey
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Slims fab streetsweeper two
This is the StreetSweeperTwo,The Engine,Trans,Vdrive,Full frame,and all that fancy shit is done(pics coming soon),Need to wire this thing...odds and ends .I am looking for some chevy pattern 15x 3 1/2" front wheels,weld,american racing,palamides,centerline,whatever as long as they are thin...Let me know if youve got some to sell....SLIM 951 217 8814
Slimsfab oil bag for Tony
Monday, December 3, 2012
slimsfab fender for JT
This is JTs shovel ,it runs perfect and does some serious traveling.He came out to the farm just after adding his super narrow 21x 1.60 front rim to his H.D. hub.It was laced by David Moore,with buchannan spokes.With this done JT being the guy that wants "balance" to his builds,he brought me out a fender and some odds and ends for me to narrow....This is how he left,with a fender tightly fitted to the tire with 1/4 inch clearance on the sides and mounted it solid between his wide front end.Thank you JT,it is always a pleasure,SLIM 951 217 8814
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