Hey ! Now what the fuck you might ask yourself, an Ironhead with a fat tire? I am asking myself the same thing ,however a cat named Chris wanted this very style so I will do my best to incorporate what he wants tastefully, this is so far what i have come up with,79 ironhead engine, 1968 frame modified to fit the late engine, a double loop hardtail,wideglide with 21inches of Avon,200 m m out back,drag bars,etc.... lots of shit cool guys dont like! but I call this bike "THE ANTI CHOPCULT BIKE" BECAUSE most chopcult members will probly hate it.... it isnt super skinny or trendy with almost not rideable features, I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST CHOP CULT!!! "I LOVE CHOPCULT FOR ALL YOU FUCKERS WHO TRY AND START SHIT THIS COMMENT IS FOR YOU" AND BY THE WAY EAT A PLATE OF SHIT! for everyone else enjoy the pics and look through the B.S at the good fab, SLIM 951 217 8814 :)