Thiese are some shots in Long beach ,Ca in front of Blue Collar Moto garage.(Chris s joint) I drove out to bug him in this particular instance..As this van was my daily whip. In the last shot you can see my initial drive train... the big block mopar and hallcraft V drive set up. In the new van i am running that combo..Lots more low end grunt!!! This week I will be posting a few more bike builds and some streetsweeper two pics....TODAY IS TURN IN YOUR GUN FOR FOOD COUPON DAY IN L.A. dont fuckin do it!!!One of the best things this country has going for it is the right to bear arms, if our US soil is ever penetrated by another enemy country..Damn near every household here in AMRERICA is a small armory, They will be fucking demolished!And they know it. Guns dont kill innocent people, Idiots do! SLIM 951 217 8814
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