These are some pics of "THE STREET SWEEPER TWO". I got tired of not having my street sweeper Wheelie van to drive anymore so I built another one....This one is slightly improved in many ways.I never intended to off my Green one( the streetsweeper one).There has been CONFUSION on you tube and other such media sources who built it and who it was built for. I BUILT IT FOR ME WITH NO HELP FROM ANYONE BUT MY BEST FREIND JEREMY TUCKER,AND WE USED THE ENGINE FROM MY OTHER FREIND JEREMY INGRAMS STREETRACE CAR(1972 duster) . Thie last build we did as a fuck off mobile(to go out and have fun with.) This one I am refining.As in the first van Jeremy Tucker and I did the chop together,This van will be built like the last one,built our way for the shop. It is 440 powered with a 1959 hallcraft V drive.Look up the old van"slims wheelie van" to see the last one, The new owner has added a 6 71 blower. SLIM 951 217 8814
FUCKING AWESOME PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!