This is a tank that I re worked for Brent to attatch to his stampede bound honda 750.The tank started life on this very bike it is returning to, a honda cb750,the front was narrowed an inch, the rear narrowed around four inches,the old floor was removed along with the stock tunnel,I fabbed a new floor and tunnel to fit the frame that Keith and Brent built(single backbone ) the cap I moved to the crown of the tank to scavenge all the fuel capacity,and the mounts are super baddass to hold up to the weight of the massive amount of fuel this beast holds!!!In the photo of us is Brent, Keith,Matt, and myself, this pic was taken by Tiffany(Keiths lady)! I had a great day with you all and the food was insane Keith,company was awesome,homebrew was tasty,just flat out fuckin sweet day!This is what makes being a FREE AMERICAN,SECOND TO NONE!!!!!our government still blows!!!tax tax tax,SLIM
Friday, February 4, 2011
slimsfab Brents tank
This is a tank that I re worked for Brent to attatch to his stampede bound honda 750.The tank started life on this very bike it is returning to, a honda cb750,the front was narrowed an inch, the rear narrowed around four inches,the old floor was removed along with the stock tunnel,I fabbed a new floor and tunnel to fit the frame that Keith and Brent built(single backbone ) the cap I moved to the crown of the tank to scavenge all the fuel capacity,and the mounts are super baddass to hold up to the weight of the massive amount of fuel this beast holds!!!In the photo of us is Brent, Keith,Matt, and myself, this pic was taken by Tiffany(Keiths lady)! I had a great day with you all and the food was insane Keith,company was awesome,homebrew was tasty,just flat out fuckin sweet day!This is what makes being a FREE AMERICAN,SECOND TO NONE!!!!!our government still blows!!!tax tax tax,SLIM
Bad ass Slim, wish I was there to observe your craft! Cheers!, Miles