This is the plaque i cut from 16 ga. cold rolled in the shape of the wheelie van that I built and sold,This was made for Casey Moir,the new owner to present the van at the Grand National Roadster Show. the van spends alot of time at El Toro high as Casey is the autoshop instructor, The plaque was painted and striped by me.Thanks to Casey for representing the streetsweeper in such a positive light bringing our youth into hot rodding in an artistic and alternative way!!! SLIM
Sunday, February 6, 2011
slimsfab street sweeper
This is the plaque i cut from 16 ga. cold rolled in the shape of the wheelie van that I built and sold,This was made for Casey Moir,the new owner to present the van at the Grand National Roadster Show. the van spends alot of time at El Toro high as Casey is the autoshop instructor, The plaque was painted and striped by me.Thanks to Casey for representing the streetsweeper in such a positive light bringing our youth into hot rodding in an artistic and alternative way!!! SLIM
Saturday, February 5, 2011
slimsfab just another day
Is there such thing as just another day??!!Just keep this one thing in mind....This day only comes once.... thats fuckin it,never again, so enjoy it like its your last, make it not suck! another saying or lyric that i love is said by the great Peter Tosh, A RICH MANS HEAVEN IS THE POOR MANS HELL!!!aint that the fuckin truth,SLIM....
Friday, February 4, 2011
slimsfab Brents tank
This is a tank that I re worked for Brent to attatch to his stampede bound honda 750.The tank started life on this very bike it is returning to, a honda cb750,the front was narrowed an inch, the rear narrowed around four inches,the old floor was removed along with the stock tunnel,I fabbed a new floor and tunnel to fit the frame that Keith and Brent built(single backbone ) the cap I moved to the crown of the tank to scavenge all the fuel capacity,and the mounts are super baddass to hold up to the weight of the massive amount of fuel this beast holds!!!In the photo of us is Brent, Keith,Matt, and myself, this pic was taken by Tiffany(Keiths lady)! I had a great day with you all and the food was insane Keith,company was awesome,homebrew was tasty,just flat out fuckin sweet day!This is what makes being a FREE AMERICAN,SECOND TO NONE!!!!!our government still blows!!!tax tax tax,SLIM
Thursday, February 3, 2011
slims fab a100
This is one of my new victims,had her for a while but havent beat her or cut her yet! she is a 1966 dodge a 100 sportsman model,origional paint and intrior,even a one owner,WOW!!! perfect one to adjust slightly!! now that i have your attention ,I would like to thank Jeff Holt and Ed Fox for the nice spread in Street Chopper mag this issue,Ed, the photos are second to none and Jeff,, short and simple is the best! Thanks again, STREET CHOPPER KICKS ASS!!! ,SLIM
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
slimsfab aarons dyna
This is Aarons dyna,we removed the stock style fender and cut off the fender struts.fabbed up a sissy from stout 5/8 cold rolled and installed a plate/light mount,then radioused a 5 inch flat fender to fit the tire properly.Since the seat pan no longer could be mounted to the fender, i fabbed a seatpan that fit better and attatched properly from under the rear of the seat,By the way did i mention that the fender travels with the swingarm so you can get that"just right fit" . Aaron thanks for the biz,Slim 951 217 8814 is the number you can reach me at for your fab needs!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
slimsfab narrow bobs
Here are some tanks that belong to San Fernando Bob Carillo(known for his beyond meticulous bikes and multi show winning knuckle).I took his 3 gallon bobs and narrowed them an inch and a quarter each side, keeping the floors the same shape (just trimmed)allows them to still fit tight to the rockerboxes like stock! ...and yes upon completion they got filler bungs and petcock bungs welded in. in the photo is a comparison tank to tank so you can see the width difference, the lower side of the tanks were sectioned to ease the process,hope you like the photos, thanks for the biz BOB! , Slim...951 217 8814