Friday, October 30, 2009

v-drive van

This is loose mock-up of the short tailshaft 727 torqueflite and the hallcraft v-drive unit in my 1964 chevy van ! LIVE PROUD of what you are where you live and what you build ! AMERICA,FUCK YEAH !!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

asphalt squadron

This is Johnny Wolf and his Lean Mean Sporty!!! The HellBilly Deluxe! This bike has been re configured a few times, under the knife again it is!! Johnny has many cool very origional ideas!! We continue to work together on this cool bike, He dreams up the ideas and whatever he isnt tooled for I come over and we have a chop session over some PBRs. The tank, bars, and headlight bracket are SLIMS FAB!Watch for this bike kickin ass on the streets of Cali! for more stuff that Johnny does check his blog at Thanks for checkin out my shit ,LIVE AND DIE A PROUD AMERICAN !!! SLIM

Kevin Hogan

This is my buddy Kevin,he is an origional baddass!!! He can be seen riding this machine called infidel on the streets of the great San Fernando Valley, ca . I gave him a hand shortening the girder front end seems like a million feet!! He builds really off the wall cool shit!!!! When I say go out on a limb, love it or hate it shit this is what I mean!!! Fucking chop it mannn!!!By the way ,this dude has been raised around some of the greats of drag racings history ,and is a great himself!!! SLIM

This is Georges 1964 triumph, He came over needing some fabrication. This is what he left with, A one off slims tank,radiused fender,struts, headlight mounting bracket and a remounted exhaust with some cool tips I whipped up, hope you enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed working with George and his beauty! SLIM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

This is Clarke's 750 Digger. We wrenched on it alllll weekend, it was a fuckin blast. Lots of cut-off wheels, five miles of weld, hand bending, and too much thinking. Keep an eye out for this bike, it is not your typical Digger....
You can only do shit like this right here in the good-ol U-S-of-A, so live proud, and dont stop Choppin! Slim

This is the video , for the slo-ride put on by blue collar moto. Hope you enjoy it, Thanks for the video Bill of Biltwell! It was a fuckin blast, I got to take out my blue rubber mount sportster....finally, Slim.

Blue Collar Moto's Pismo Ride 2009 from Biltwell Inc. on Vimeo.

Friday, October 16, 2009

whiptastic handling 750 triple

FRIDAY!!!!!! It took all week to get herethis is a loose look at my new machine, hope you dig it! if you dont , I dont give a rats ass! It is a low budget build for low budget times, Choppin has been about using what you got layin around so , after spending my retirement fund( three dollars) on the pretty 750 engine I figured make the chassis cheap and fun!!! the engine I have built for this particular bike should make an estimated 100 plus horsepower! hope you enjoyed this , HAPPY FRIDAY!!!, SLIM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oscars pan

This is Oscar and his fuckin killer pan! My brother and I drove out to Oscars home today to deliver some ,two tanks that received some attention slimfab style, it was a little haul however we kicked it for a few had a couple of coca colas at his pad ,Thanks Oscar, then we headed into Oceanside to meet up with Mr. Wes D. for lunch at a greek joint, and to check out hardtailing a KZ 750 for him,Thanks for lunch!!! If you dont know Wes D. check out his photography at WesD photography!If you do know him then you know!! Not anyone anywhere could just go mobile for the day and eat and visit freinds, without worries!!! We in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA have an often overlooked gift we call FREEDOM!!! It was given to us in privelage form by our forfathers who fought for our freedom , so dont take this for granted!!!, live and die a proud AMERICAN! ,SLIM

Monday, October 5, 2009

mikes shovel

This is Mike D, (the other Mike D) and his cone shovel, every month we hang out at the Long Beach Swap, and after a small caravan of people including Chris from Blue Collar Moto meet up at a joint called Joe Josts, we eat pickled eggs and throw a few of anything back! well while bullshitting about the meet , Mikes shovel became topic , he said he needed a kick in the ass to finish her, so it came over to my place. The bike was cool lookin, it had a 15"invader rear, a stretched sporty front end and a cool fender seat combo not attatched. This is what came of him bringing me random bitchin parts and them finding themselves in harmony on his bike! I am not a long bike guy however this project opened my eyes Mike! Thanx for the business( an honest days work for an honest days pay) the good ol AMERICAN way!!! SLIM...