Thursday, August 27, 2009

slimsfab chop everything

If you have shit to chop, chop it dont talk about it! there is lots of types of people out there,ones that chop,and ones that dont, those are the only ones I know.... If you are one who doesnt, Increase your testicle size and start!!!! SLIM...

slimsfab streetracing

The KID Jeremy Ingram, gettin ready to hit the streets of So Cal! The Duster is ALIVE! We swaped off the dual plane intake and swaped it in for a single plane 340 edelbrock torker from 1976!!! The car runs fuckin hard!!! Jeremy is getting ready for a run ,swaping the Mickey Thompson pro street tires for goodyear slicks,and armed with a soap bottle filled with V.H.T> traction enhancing liquid! ( These runs take place in a really rural area which only endangers us,not the lurking ,boring public) Next season we are bringin THE HEAT!!!! This year we set up the chasis! for now im out to enjoy our freedom watching a good ol fashioned streetrace,SLIM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

slimsfab love this country

AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

slims fab long day ahead

This is usually what im looking at in the beginning of my day weather it starts at 1 am or 1pm. this is a rusted out firebird trunk needing a whole ass replacement(not just trunk) hope you enjoy the pics! Check the rest of the blog to see what the end of my day looked like!

simsfab rusty replacement

67 firebird had lots of rust, its now well on its way to recovery, yeah its a 400 with a saginaw 4 speed, wish it was mine but if we had one of every thing....... yeah fuckin right!!!!!

slimsfab las vegas

Ironhead sportsters kick fuckin ass!!!! this beaut belongs to Chris Unger, it was a collaberation effort of buddies ,beer,and just plain ol havin a good time choppin!!!! Steve of Steves cycle in Las Vegas and Chris did the motor work.Chris,Dustin his son,matt,and I did the fabrication! Lots of good ol knuckle bustin fun, Red,White,and Blue style!!!! By the way,if your ever in or around Vegas stop in to Pokers Tattoo Parlor to get some ink or to check out this bitchin ride, it is daily riden to Pokers by Chris. 5613 Valley View, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Sportsters!!!!! Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Slimsfab shitbox


Finally got the van lowered. Hopefully pretty soon have the big block and v-drive in it. I think I'll keep the roof open for the rest of the summer because of our insane weather in Redlands, CA.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Slimfab BSA A65


This is Gils oil in frame A65. It has Slimsfab hardtail, CR250 forks, seat, fender, and bars. For wheels two 19" XS650 fronts. A motor was just purchased at the Long Beach Swap and will be running soon.

Friday, August 7, 2009

slimsfab honda hardtail 600

HPIM2360 This honda 600 v twin received single downtube treatment, hardtail, frisco-ed sporty tank, and H-bars. It belongs to Tony, TJ Styles is responsible for the rest of the build. Keep an eye out for this one.